Chicken 雞肉類
C01 Crispy Fried Chicken
Currently sold out$207.00C02 Fried Chicken with Sweet Spicy Sauce
Currently sold out$212.00C03 Fried Chicken with Garlic Soy Sauce
秘製蒜香醬汁炸雞$212.00C04 Fried Chicken with Honey Lemon Sauce
秘製蜂蜜檸檬醬汁炸雞$223.00C05 Fried Chicken with Brown Honey Garlic Sauce
Currently sold out$223.00C06 Half Half Chicken
半半炸雞$218.00C07 Snowy Cajun Onion on Fried Chicken
Currently sold out$212.00C08 Fried Chicken with Spring Onion
Currently sold out$218.00C11 青陽辣椒蛋黃醬炸雞 SPICY CHILLI MAYO CHICKEN 청양마요치킨
$223.00C51 Crispy Fried Chicken & French Fries
Currently sold out$151.00C52 Fried Chicken with Sweet Spicy Sauce & French Fries
甜辣醬炸雞配薯條$168.00C53 Fried Chicken with Garlic Soy Sauce & French Fries
Currently sold out$168.00C54 Fried Chicken with Honey Lemon Sauce & French Fries
秘製蜂蜜檸檬醬汁炸雞配薯條$168.00C55 Fried Chicken with Brown Honey Garlic Sauce & French Fries
秘製蒜香蜜糖醬汁炸雞配薯條$168.00C57 Snowy Cajun Onion on Fried Chicken & French Fries
Currently sold out$168.00C58 Fried Chicken with Spring Onion served with French Fries
Currently sold out$168.00C59 spicy chilli mayo fried chicken & french fries 青陽辣椒蛋黃醬炸雞配薯條 청양마요치킨과 감자튀김
Snacks 小食
P01 Sausage, Rice cake and Fish ball with sweet and spicy sauce
香腸年糕魚蛋串配甜辣醬$157.00P02 lemon cream shrimph
$179.00P03 Rice Cake with Carbonara Sauce
卡邦尼炒年糕$173.00P04 Korean spicy rice cake
韓式炒年糕$146.00P07 French fries
香脆炸薯條$102.00P08 Assorted Fritters
香脆黃金盤$124.00P10 Egg roll
蛋卷$157.00P11 Hot pan-seared whole squid with honey and butter
鐵板蜜糖牛油煎魷魚$190.00P13 deep-fried chicken and shrimps
炸蝦丁及炸雞丁配香辣醬$201.00P14 Deep-Dried Chicken and Rice Cake
Salad 沙律
S01 Mixed Greens and Bulgogi Salad
韓式牛肉沙律$168.00S03 Mixed Greens and Fruit Salad
蔬菜水果沙律$146.00S04 Fried chicken salad with spicy and sour sauce
Main dish 主菜
M05 Bossam, Napa Wraps with Pork served with Kimchi
五花腩配泡菜$195.00M07 韓式炆猪手 BRAISED PORK KNUCKLE 족발
served with veges and sauces$324.00M08 韓式炆豬手+五花腩拼盤 JOKBAL+BOSSAM 족+보세트
served with veges and sauces$324.00
Rice 飯
R01 Spicy stir-fried Pork on Rice
炒辣豬肉蓋飯$135.00R02 Stir-fried Kimchi on Rice
炒泡菜蓋飯$124.00R03 Stir-fried Bulgogi on Rice
韓式炒牛肉蓋飯$135.00R04 泡菜豬肉湯 KIMCHI STEW 김치찌개
served with rice$124.00R05 海鮮嫩豆腐辣湯 SEAFOOD TOFU STEW 해물순두부찌개
served with rice$124.00R08 紫菜飯卷 KIMBAB 김밥
Currently sold out$124.00
Korean dish 韓國菜
k06 Seasoned Sea Snails with Vegetable in Sour Spicy Sauce
涼拌辣汁螺肉$223.00k07 Seasoned Squid with Vegetable in Sour Spicy Sauce
600 Coke (Can 330mL)
$28.00601 Sprite (Can 330mL)
$28.00602 Coke Zero (Can 330mL)
$28.00603 Sunny10 Pineapple (Can 250mL)
$33.00604 Soda Water
$20.00605 Mineral Water
$20.00606 Crushed Peach Juice (Can 340mL)
$33.00607 Bon Bon Grape
$33.00608 Pear Juice
$33.00609 Sweet Rice Drink
501 Chamisul Fresh (Bottle360mL)
$68.00502 Chumchurum (Bottle360mL)
$68.00503 Chamisu Grapefruit (Bottle360mL)
$88.00504 Makgeolli (Bottle750mL)
$98.00505 Jinro is Back (Bottle360mL)
$68.00506 Saero Soju(Zero Sugar)
$68.00507 Sparkling Cheung Ha
J01 Kimchi Pancake in Korean style
韓式泡菜煎餅$124.00J03 Seafood and Green Onion Pancake topped with dried bonito flakes
海鮮蔥煎餅配鰹魚乾$157.00J04 bacon potato pancake
$135.00J06 傳統海鮮煎餅 traditional SEAFOOD PANCAKE 해물파전
Bottle Beer
102 Somersby Apple Cider
$48.00103 Cass (Korean Beer)
$48.00104 Corona
$48.00105 Hoegaarden Peach
$30.00106 Hoegaarden Grapefriut